
Everyone has the capacity to learn. To grow. To stretch. To become better, stronger, and more skilled. The idea, called “Growth Mindset” is a tenet of learning, and a core belief of mine. It is why I have structured my practice around helping others improve their photography and why, after 30 years in public education, I believed in my ability to shift into the world of landscape and wildlife photography.

In addition to my Youtube and TikTok channels, where I offer free content to my subscribers and passers-by,
there are four ways I support others’ work in photography:

  • tony working with student

    1 on 1 Mentorship

    Learning customized to the needs of the learner. Can be in person locally, or virtually globally.

  • Workshops

    Workshops designed for hands on learning in the field at amazing locations.

  • Virtual Workshops

    Workshops designed to be taken from the comfort of your own home with other photographers interested in learning like you.

  • Speaking

    Both in-person and virtual speaking on a variety of photography topics related to landscape and wildlife photography.